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Joint experiments between Univ. Of West Attica, Univ. of the Aegean and Technical University of Denmark

PROMETHEUS’ partners joint experiments took place in Copenhagen in the second week of February

Kostas Sozos together with Francesco Da Ros and his group conducted experiments with the use of programmable photonics platforms (iPRONICS Smartlight tool) in order to investigate recurrent optical spectrum slicers as ultra-fast compensators or dispersion induced power fading. The experimental results showcased 80 km transmission in the C-band for 32 Gbaud PAM-4 signals with bit error rate below the hard FEC limit when two recurrent optical spectrum slicers are used as pre-detection processors. The partners will continue their collaboration in order to capitalize on the merits of programmable neuromorphic photonics in processing coherent signals.

PROMETHEUS is funded by the European Commission under the CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-07 topic.